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The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Program Requirements 

The world of business has become increasingly complex and the amount of information available has mushroomed, posing new challenges in every traditional business discipline. The complexity of these challenges requires research tools that are significantly more advanced than those in MBA and business-oriented MS programs. This program was designed by the doctoral faculty of the Zicklin School of Business to meet the needs of executives to gain research knowledge and skills essential for rigorous analysis of modern-day problems and challenges. All of the courses in the program have been specially created for this innovative, distinctive approach to post-master’s education in business. 

The Doctor of Business Administration Program leads to the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree. 

The three-year program is offered in the format of three residencies each semester for the first two years, and for the third year to be devoted to dissertation research. This format is tailored to the needs of working executives with full-time positions and responsibilities. 

The Doctor of Business Administration program requires 60 graduate-level credits, passing Qualifying Examinations 1 and 2, and a publicly defended dissertation. 

Admission Requirements 

An applicant must have earned a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution whose requirements for the degree are substantially equivalent to those of The City University of New York (CUNY). 

The student will transfer 18 credits from an AACSB accredited Master’s program or by taking graduate-level courses at a recognized, accredited university before joining the cohort-based program. An assessment of all transfer credits will be conducted and approved by the Academic Director and the admissions committee. 

International students who are graduates of international colleges and universities and who meet the standards of admission equivalent to those described above may be considered for admission to the program. 

An applicant must submit evidence that he or she shows promise of the ability to carry out research and be interviewed and approved by the program’s admissions committee. University transcripts, at least two letters of reference, and two essays are required. 

DBA Curriculum 

Following is a sample course schedule for the program: 




Prerequisite Courses 

A total of 18 credits of prerequisites from a prior graduate degree (or courses even if a degree was not awarded) will be applied towards the Doctor of Business Administration program. Any student with a deficiency will be able to make up the deficiency with approved courses before joining the cohort program. 


Summer Orientation Program 

Year 1, Fall Semester 

DCT 90101 

Research Design and Methodology 

DCT 90102 

Econometric Methods for Business Research I 

DCT 90103 

Foundations of Leadership Theory and Competency 

Year 1, Winter 

Optional courses (permission is required) 

DCT 90151 - DCT 90156 

Internship (Each course carries 1 credit.) 

DCT 90230 

Independent Study 

A student may take this course at most two times for a maximum of 6 credits. 

Year 1, Spring Semester 

DCT 90111 

Qualitative Methods in Business Research 

DCT 90112 

Econometric Methods for Business Research II 

DCT 90113 

Competition Analysis and Regulation 

End of Year 1: Qualifying Examination 1 

A student who fails this examination will be allowed to retake it within one year. Failure on the second attempt will result in dismissal from the program. 

Year 1, Summer 

DCT 90120 

Position Paper Research 

Optional courses (permission is required) 

DCT 90151- DCT 90156 

Internship (Each course carries 1 credit.) 

DCT 90230 

Independent Study 

A student may take this course at most two times for a maximum of 6 credits. 

Year 2, Fall and Spring Semesters 

The Academic Director will select six seminars from among the courses listed below. Each semester will have 3 courses, 3 credits each, for a total of 9 credits. There will be a total of 18 credits for the two semesters. Please note that not all courses will be offered each semester. 

DCT 90201 

Understanding the Consumer Journey 

DCT 90202 

International Corporate Finance and Governance 

DCT 90203 

Ideation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship 

DCT 90204 

Management of Innovation 

DCT 90205 

Human Capital and the Triple Bottom Line 

DCT 90206 

Understanding the Employee and the Customer as Users of Technology 

DCT 90207 

Information-based Strategies 

DCT 90208 

Technology-driven Organizational Change 

DCT 90209 

Marketing Communications Strategy 

DCT 90225 

Special Topics 

Year 2, Winter 

Optional courses (permission is required) 

DCT 90151 - DCT 90156 

Internship (Each course carries 1 credit.) 

DCT 90230 

Independent Study 

A student may take this course at most two times for a maximum of 6 credits 

End of Year 2: Qualifying Examination 2 

A student who fails this examination will be allowed to retake it within one year. Failure on the second attempt will result in dismissal from the program. 

Year 2, Summer 

DCT 90220 

Position Paper Defense 

Optional courses (permission is required) 

DCT 90151 - DCT 90156 

Internship (Each course carries 1 credit.) 

DCT 90230 

Independent Study 

A student may take this course at most two times for a maximum of 6 credits. 



Total credits for Years 1 and 2 


Year 3, Fall Semester 

DCT 90301 

Dissertation Research - Proposal defense 

DCT 90302 

Dissertation Research - Proposal defense 

Note: DCT 90301 and DCT 90302 are taken concurrently. 

Year 3, Spring Semester 

DCT 90311 

Dissertation Research - Final Dissertation Defense 

DCT 90312 

Dissertation Research - Final Dissertation Defense 

Note: DCT 90311 and DCT 90312 are taken concurrently. 

Total credits including courses, dissertation, and transfer credits 


Note: The Doctor of Business Administration program reserves the right to make changes in course sequencing. 

The total cost of the program covers the cost of the 42 credits taken in the DBA program. 

A student may only make course substitutions with permission of the DBA Academic Director. 

Students needing to enroll in any graduate courses not included in the 42 credits outlined above are responsible for their own tuition at the prevailing tuition rates at CUNY or the institution of their choice. If any of those courses are intended to meet the prerequisite list of courses with 18 credits, students should seek prior approval from the Academic Director to ensure that the transfer of credits will be conferred. 

International students must review financial requirements for visa applications. No financial assistance is available to international students at The City University of New York. Before receiving a visa for entrance into the United States with student status, international students must certify that they will have sufficient support for the entire period of their stay in the United States while pursuing a full-time program of study. Instructions for applying for a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to study in the United States may be accessed at Baruch’s International Student Service Center. 

Evaluation of Transfer Credits for the 18 Credits of Prerequisites 

A total of 18 credits of prerequisites from a prior graduate degree (or courses even if a degree wasn’t awarded) will be applied toward the DBA program, provided that credits from prior graduate studies were completed in an AACSB accredited college or university in the U.S. or in an institution outside the U.S. accredited by a recognized accrediting entity (e.g., EQUIS or AMBA), and reflect academic coverage in the candidate’s designated area of research interest. Please note that accreditation does not guarantee transfer credit. 

The courses are subject to evaluation by an ad hoc academic review committee established by the Academic Director of the Doctor of Business Administration program. Given the varied background of the students, the members of the ad hoc committee will vary in academic background. All graduate level courses will be examined and students may be asked to submit course syllabi. A minimum grade of B is required for courses to be considered for transfer credit. Grades in transfer credit courses are not calculated in the GPA. Any student with a deficiency will be able to make up the deficiency with approved courses before joining the cohort program. Thus, a candidate who does not have an MBA or related MS degree can be conditionally admitted to the program and will be advised by the admissions committee of specific courses needed to take before starting the program. This applies to a candidate who has significant business experience but no prior graduate business courses. 

Evaluations will take place during the admissions process. Students who do not qualify for all 18 transfer credits will be admitted conditionally, with the understanding that they make up any missing credits in consultation with the Academic Director. Students may not seek reassessment of transfer credit once they have accepted a place in the program. 

Application Deadlines 

Application deadlines for Fall semester admissions vary from year to year. Please visit our website for current program deadlines. 

Financial Assistance 

At this time, financial assistance through federal student loans is available to DBA students. 

Program Load 

Students in the DBA program are expected to enroll in 9 credits in each of the first four semesters. A program of two DBA courses (6 credits) is considered the minimum graduate course load. 

Students registered for 9 credits or more in a semester are deemed to be full-time students. 


With the prior permission of the program’s Executive Committee, a student may apply to take a PhD-level course at the CUNY Graduate Center to be included in the student’s program. 

Leaves of Absence 

To request a leave of absence from the DBA program, a student must apply in writing to the Academic Director of the DBA program prior to the semester or academic year during which the leave is requested. A leave of absence is not counted toward the time limit for completion of degree requirements. 

Any international student with F-1 visa or J-1 visa status should consult Baruch’s International Student Service Center before applying for a leave. During the period of the leave, no changes in academic status, including such matters as the scheduling and taking of qualifying exams and advancement to candidacy, may be made. 

Students who interrupt their graduate studies for one or more semesters must file for re-entry and receive approval for the re-entry of the Academic Director of the DBA program. 

Resignation or Withdrawal 

Students who enroll for courses and find it impossible to continue with one or more of the courses must notify the Office of Executive Programs of their intent to withdraw and receive formal approval from the Academic Director of the DBA program. Failure to properly withdraw from a course will result in an F grade for the course. 

Students who drop all courses during the refund period must file a re-entry application. Re-entry is subject to the approval of the Academic Director of the DBA program. International students must also obtain approval from Baruch’s International Student Service Center. 

Extension of Time Limit for Degree 

All requirements for the degree must be completed no later than six years after matriculation. Periods of official leaves of absence are excluded from the time limits set for completion of degrees. 

Current enrolled students who find that they will not be able to complete the degree requirements within the six-year specified time limit and who wish an extension, must apply to the Academic Director of the DBA program for an extension. The request must include the reason for the extension and the length of time required. The request will be adjudicated by the Academic Director of the DBA program. All courses are subject to review after four years. Courses needing to be retaken require additional fees at the time of re-entry. Students will be required to register in the DBA program for the semester and pay the semester program fee. 

Requirements for Graduation 

Computation of Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Index 

ll credits with the following grades are counted in the total credits used to compute a student’s grade point average/cumulative index: A (or -), B (+ or -), C (+ or -), and F. 

Credits for any other grades, such as INC or P, are not counted toward a student’s GPA. 

To compute your grade point average, complete the following steps: 

  1. Determine the total number of GPA credits by adding up all the credits with letter grades A through F. 

  1. For each course with a letter grade that counts toward your average, multiply the number of credits by the appropriate quality point value, as indicated below: 



Quality Point Value 












C - 



*Grades of D and D+ are not assigned to graduate courses. 

Credits with a grade of Pass (P) and the 18 credits transferred in from prior graduate study count toward the degree but do not figure into the GPA index. 

Pass = The grade of P can be used in the thesis or research courses when a thesis has not been completed but progress has been made. 

Fail = Failing Grade. The grade of F is computed in the GPA. A failed course must be repeated if it is a required course in the student’s program. Students who repeat a failed course and earn a grade of B- or better may petition to drop the grade of F from the computation of the grade point average; the grade of F will remain on the transcript. Only one F grade may be dropped from the calculation of the grade point average. Requests may be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. 

W = Withdrew without academic penalty. This is a student-initiated grade, which may be requested before the second residency of the term. 

WA = Administrative withdrawal. This grade, which does not affect a student’s GPA, is assigned administratively. 


INC Grades 

Students must be doing passing work to obtain an instructor’s permission to receive a grade of incomplete (INC). 

A grade of INC received in the fall semester must be resolved by the end of the following spring semester. A grade of INC received in the spring semester must be resolved by the end of the following fall semester. 

To resolve INC grades issued for missing coursework, the student should meet with the instructor and the Academic Director to arrange to complete the requirements for a letter grade before the end of the following semester. 

Any unresolved INC grades will be converted to FIN and calculated as an F in the computation of the cumulative GPA after the end of the following semester. 


A student’s record will be evaluated at the end of each semester, and matriculation may be terminated for unsatisfactory academic performance. Students are considered to be on academic probation if their GPA falls below the acceptable level of 3.00 and /or failure to meet any other program requirements. 

A written appeal to the Committee on Academic Appeals outlining how the student can raise the GPA to 3.00 must be presented. If approved by this committee, the student will be allowed to register for that semester. 

Satisfactory Academic Progress 

A student must make satisfactory progress toward the degree in order to maintain his or her status as a matriculated student. In the DBA program, a student is deemed not to be making satisfactory progress if any one (or more) of these conditions are met. He or she has: 

  • a Grade Point Average (GPA) below 3.00 

  • completed 45 credits without having passed Qualifying Examination 1 

  • completed four semesters without having passed Qualifying Examination 2 

  • received two “Fail” grades in succession 

  • exceeded the time limit for the degree. 

A student who fails Qualifying Examination 1 or 2 will be allowed to retake the examination within a year. A failure on the second attempt will result in dismissal from the program. 

A student’s transcript will be evaluated at the end of each semester, and matriculation may be terminated for unsatisfactory academic performance. This is considered lower than a GPA of 3.00 and/or failure to meet any other program requirements. 

Human Subjects Research Approval 

The CUNY Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) is responsible for the protection of the rights and welfare of human subjects in research projects conducted at CUNY or by CUNY faculty, staff, students, and Research Foundation (RF) staff. The program provides oversight, administrative support, and educational training to ensure that CUNY research complies with federal and state regulations, university policy, and the highest ethical standards. The CUNY HRPP comprises five University Integrated Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) and 19 on-site HRPP offices. 

For further guidance, please visit Baruch College web site for research on human subjects. 

All students, regardless of their dissertation topic, must consult with the Academic Director of the DBA program regarding requirements concerning the protection of human subjects prior to beginning his or her dissertation research. 

After the dissertation topic and methodology are approved by the dissertation committee but before the start of any research procedures, a student must submit the Dissertation Proposal Human Subjects Research Clearance Form to the Baruch College HRPP coordinator. The dissertation proposal and methodology, and, if applicable, documentation of IRB review and approval, must also be included. 

Advancement to Doctoral Candidacy 

Before a student may be certified as a candidate for a doctoral degree, he or she must have completed 56 credits of coursework with an overall grade point average of at least 3.00; must have passed Qualifying Examinations 1 and 2; and must be registered for the current semester. 

A student who has graduated from a relevant accredited master’s program is potentially able to transfer 18 credits, subject to the approval of the Academic Director. The remaining 36 credits are to be taken in the first four semesters, 2 credits in Summer 1 and 2. This accounts 56 credits (18 transfer credits + 36 course credits + 2 summer research credits). The dissertation courses account for 4 credits, for an overall total of 60 credits in the program. 

After advancement to doctoral candidacy, students are expected to maintain their matriculation by enrolling in the appropriate dissertation supervision course (except for approved leaves of absence) until completion of all remaining requirements for the degree. 

Dissertation defenses will not be scheduled until after a student has been advanced to candidacy. 

The Dissertation and Defense 

Students are required to deposit dissertations with the Academic Director of the DBA program electronically in PDF format. 

At least two members of the dissertation defense committee must be members of the Baruch DBA faculty or approved by the Academic Director of the DBA program. The dissertation chair must be a full-time Baruch faculty member. Three weeks prior to the scheduled dissertation defense the student must notify the Academic Director of the DBA program of the decision to defend the dissertation. The student must provide: (1) Title of dissertation; (2) Date, time, and place of the defense; and (3) Names of committee members, their affiliation, and addresses to which invitations are to be sent. 

Written Application for the Doctoral Degree 

Students must maintain matriculated status during the semester in which they obtain their degree if they are not registered for courses. 

They must contact the Registrar’s Office at the beginning of the semester in which they plan to receive their degree. After a satisfactory review of the student’s record, the student will be charged maintenance of matriculation and re-entry application fees if needed. 

Maintenance of Matriculation 

Students must maintain matriculated status during the semester in which they obtain their degree if they are not registered for courses. 

They must contact the Registrar’s Office at the beginning of the semester in which they plan to receive their degree. After a satisfactory review of the student’s record, the student will be charged maintenance of matriculation and re-entry application fees if needed. 

Auditor Status 

No classes in the DBA program are available for audit. 

Non-matriculated Enrollment 

There is no provision for non-matriculated students. 

Cross-listed Courses 

There are no cross-listed classes. 

Student Appeals 

The DBA Committee on Academic Standing will hear all appeal cases. 

Tuition and Fees: Total $125,000.00 

Semesters 1 through 4: $25,000 each. 

Semesters 5 and 6: $12,500 each. 

Fees include tuition for 42 credits, all texts, computer, software, breakfast, lunch, and breaks. Also included is funding that may be applied to dissertation research materials and/or travel to a conference to present the student’s research (restrictions apply, please contact the program’s Academic Director for specific requirements.) 

Withdrawals and Leaves of Absence 

Each student registration, once classes have begun and regardless of whether or not the student has paid tuition at the point of registration, constitutes a financial obligation to the State of New York that cannot be rescinded. Any leave of absence or withdrawal from an academic program or individual courses must be requested by the student in writing. 

Any students who are administratively withdrawn from classes and receive grades of “WA” or “WN” are liable for full tuition. Withdrawal requests submitted after classes have begun but before the deadline for program changes will entitle the student to a partial adjustment in tuition, according to The City University of New York’s established refund policies 

Refunds for Withdrawal and Leaves of Absence 

Before the official starting day of classes for the semester 

100% (less non-refundable deposit) 

Before 8:00 pm, Friday evening of the first residency 


Before 8:00 pm, Sunday evening of the first residency 


Within 5 business days of the end of the first residency 


After 5 business days following first residency 


*Residency dates for each cohort are available on request. 

Please Note: Tuition and fees are subject to change without prior notice by The City University of New York Board of Trustees. 

Academic Honesty 

Please see Baruch College policies. 

Student Appeal Policies and Procedures 

There may at times be problems affecting a student's academic success, progress toward the degree, or relationships within the program. As such situations arise, students are advised to first address the issues with the individual faculty, the Academic Director of the DBA, and/or the Executive Committee of the DBA. 

The Baruch College Ombudsman Officer is also available for confidential consultation. 

Grading Policies 

The DBA program is responsible for determining the requirements and standards of performance for courses and for all examinations. The instructor is obliged to ensure that the course syllabus is consistent with the goals of the program. The expected level of performance in a given course reflects the level of difficulty relevant to the educational objective of the program. In addition, the instructor has an obligation to students to make clear the basis of evaluation (e.g., reading assignments, papers, contributions to seminar discussions, experimental work) at the start of each course so that students are not surprised by unexpected or untimely demands. Grades on examinations or for work in a course are the sole responsibility of the instructor. 

Disputes Concerning Academic Termination 

A student may be terminated from the DBA program by a formal action of the Executive Committee of the DBA program or by established formal policy of the program. 

Academic Advisement 

The Office of Executive Programs of the Zicklin School of Business provides administrative and curricular services to students enrolled in the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program. 

Doctor of Business Administration Program Learning Goals 

Research Skills 

Executive doctoral students must effectively use quantitative and qualitative research methodologies to structure their research question in a form that leads to a meaningful form of analysis. 

Intellectual Competence in Business 

Executive doctoral students must be familiar with the relevant literature in business, as well as current and emerging challenges facing their firm and industry. They must be able to initiate and complete research projects using well-tested and reasoned research methodologies. 

Academic Communication 

Executive doctoral students must be able to effectively convey their ideas (1) orally and (2) in writing to practitioners as well as the academic community. They must also be able to teach and deliver their ideas in ways that bring value to their firms. 

Ethical and Social Awareness 

Executive doctoral students should be aware of ethical and social considerations in their research and professional work. 

Contact Information 

Office of Executive Programs 

Zicklin School of Business 

Baruch College/CUNY 

One Bernard Baruch Way, Box B13-282 

New York, NY 10010-5585 


Phone: (646) 312-3100 

Fax: (646) 312-3101 
