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College Ombuds

Ombuds Office

The Baruch College Ombuds office offers a confidential, neutral and independent resource for faculty, staff and students within the Baruch College community to voice concerns and complaints.

The Ombuds office attempts to resolve conflicts that arise between members of the College.

The term Ombudsman is a Swedish word used to describe public officials designated to resolve citizens grievances with governmental agencies.

Who is the Baruch College Ombuds?

  • Professor Mindy Engle-Friedman
    Newman Vertical Campus – 8-283

  • Glenda Hydler
    Assistant to the Ombuds
    Newman Vertical Campus – 7-263

What Does the Ombuds Do?

  • The Ombuds is a neutral and independent member of the Baruch Community who responds to complaints in an informal manner

  • The Ombuds is sensitive to the rights and concerns of each person who is involved in a complaint brought to the Ombuds office

  • The Ombuds provides a confidential space to discuss concerns and complaints

  • The Ombuds listens to concerns and shares information concerning Baruch College policies

  • The Ombuds helps to generate solutions to resolve problems

  • The Ombuds may share general concerns with Baruch College administration in order to engage the College community in conversation and to enhance communication between the members of the College community

What Doesn't the Ombuds Do?

  • The Ombuds does not share information concerning any case unless permission is given by the person who brings the concern to the office

  • The Ombuds does not maintain permanent records of individual cases. Instead, the Ombuds keeps anonymous data on the number and nature of cases brought to the office.

  • The Ombuds has no power to create or change Baruch College policy or rules